
The cruiser is a versatile naval unit which acts as both a “sea tank” and an anti-air unit. It is mobile, sturdy and moderately powerful. It has the oft-forgotten ability to transport helicopters and keep them out of harm’s way. It also has the unique ability to target submarines at all times, even when they have been dived.
Price: 18000G Move: 6
Built: Port Move Type: Ship
Vision: 3 Fuel: 99
Ammo: 9 Consumption: 1 per Day
Star Value: 80 Campaign Availability: C6: “The Ocean Blue”
HC6: “The Ocean Blue”
Abilities: Transport This unit is capable of transporting other units. It has the Load and Drop commands.
Movement Chart
Primary Weapon: Missiles Secondary Weapon: Anti-Air Gun
Range: 1-1 Range:  1-1
Damage Chart  Damage Chart