
Army: Yellow Comet
Kanbei’s daughter. Cool and collected, she likes to plan before making a move.
“I see right through your plans!”
CO Ability
Sonja, as the Fog of War specialist of the game, gets more vision for all her units. Plus, her unit’s HP is hidden from the enemy. She also gets more powerful counter-attacks. However, she suffers from constant bad luck, inflicting reduced damage
Modified Stats:
• Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Bad Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Vision: +1
• Unit HP is obscured on the map, but not in battle animations
• Counter attack power: 150%

Daily Unit Chart

Enhanced Vision
Increases Sonja’s vision by one space, and it allows her to see woods and reefs with no need of being next to them.
Unit Ratings:
• All Units: 110% Defence

Modified Stats:
• Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Bad Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Vision: +2
• Unit HP is obscured on the map, but not in battle animations
• Counter attack power: 150%
• Forest and Reef tiles are revealed when in vision range without requiring an adjacent unit

CO Power Chart

Counter Break
All of the intelligence gathering advantages of Enhanced Vision are rolled into a powerful defensive tool. During Counter Break whenever an enemy unit attacks one of Sonja’s units, it will suffer the counter attack before it is capable of launching an attack.
Unit Ratings:
• All Units: 110% Defence

Modified Stats:
• Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Bad Luck Range: 0 – 10
• Vision: +2
• Unit HP is obscured on the map, but not in battle animations
• Counter attack power: 100%
• Counter attacks strike before the enemy attacks
• Forest and Reef tiles are revealed when in vision range without requiring an adjacent unit

Super CO Power Unit Chart

Additional Information
Unlock Condition: Complete the mission “The Hunt’s End”
Shop Cost: 600 Points
Colour Edit Cost: 150 Points
Colours: 8
HQ Style: Yellow Comet
Default Army Colour: Yellow
CO Power Theme: “Power!”
Super CO Power Theme: “Super Power!”
CPU CO Power and Super Power activation rules: Start of turn
CPU CO Power activation percentage: 70%
CPU CO Power activation range: 15%
Bugs, Oversights and Edge Cases
Counter Break Animation: Despite changing the order of combat, the animation for attacks under the effect of Counter Break play out as if the attack and counterattack order is unchanged.
CPU and Hidden HP: CPU players completely ignore this ability and know the exact HP a unit has when it is making calculations.
CPU and piercing vision: CPU players ignore vision ranges and can see any tile that is not normally obscured during Fog of War, when Enhanced Vision or Counter Break is active a CPU player can see every tile on the map.
Luck Roll Modifiers: Luck rolls are scaled by the attacking unit’s HP and the defending unit’s defence modifiers. With no defensive modifiers and a full HP unit, luck rolls add to the base displayed percentage at a rate of 1 to 1%. The maximum possible additional damage is the base percentage damage plus the top of the luck range, minus 1%.
Bad Luck Roll Modifiers: These scale the same way as positive luck roll modifiers and will reduce an attack to 0% at minimum. The minimum possible damage is the displayed percentage plus 1% if it would be above 0%, and 0% if it would be below 0%.