War Room Guide
Map 20: The Trident
Score achieved: 300+5 pts, 9 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Anyone except Max and Grit
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: Ignore all the properties on the islands. An Artillery and Nell’s B-Copter will break the central pipe seam and an Anti-Air will destroy the B-Copter in the way of the HQ.
Max cannot follow this strategy because his artilleries have reduced range. Grit cannot one-hit KO the B-Copter with an Anti-Air. However, both Max and Grit have alternative strategies.
For full Power, you need to destroy 2 units in one day. These are an Infantry and a B-Copter.
For full technique, you can only lose 1 unit.
Day 1:
– Build Infantry in both bases.
Day 2:
– Move both Infantry 2N and start capturing the airports.
– Build an Artillery in the east base.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing the Airports.
– Move the Artillery 5N.
– (Colin: Build a Recon in the east base.)
Day 4:
– Move the Artillery 2N.
– Move the Infantries on the airports north and start capturing the cities.
– Build a T-Copter in the east airport.
– (Colin: Move the Recon 6N 1W.)
Day 5:
– Finish capturing the cities.
– Save.
– Attack the Infantry on the mountain with the northern Artillery. You must do a minimum of 5 damage.
– Move the T-Copter 5N 1W.
– Build an Anti-Air in the east base.
Day 6:
– Attack the central pipe seam with the Artillery.
– Move the west Infantry 3N.
– Load the other Infantry onto the T-Copter. Drop the Infantry N.
– Move the Anti-Air 5N 1W.
– Build a B-Copter in the east airport.
Day 7:
– Destroy the pipe seam with your Artillery.
– Save, then move the Anti-Air 4N and destroy the B-Copter.
– If there is a 5HP Infantry capturing the base, move an Infantry north and destroy it. (Colin: Use the Recon instead.)
– Load the other Infantry. Move the T-Copter 6N. Drop the Infantry N.
– Move the B-Copter 6N.
Day 8:
– Start capturing Nell’s HQ.
– (Colin: Move the Recon 3S.)
– Save.
– Move the Anti-Air 1N and destroy the B-Copter or attack the Infantry.
– Move the Artillery 2N 1W.
– Save.
Day 9:
– Destroy two units for Power, if you haven’t done so on Day 7.
– If you lost a unit last turn, make sure you have at least 10 units built (Check the Intel screen).
– Capture the HQ.
Additional strategy 1
Score achieved: 300 pts, 9 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Max
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: Ignore all the properties on the islands. Attack the central pipe seam with an Anti-Air, and Nell will start attacking it too. Let her break the pipe seam, then send a B-Copter and Recon north to clear the way for a loaded T-Copter as well as to get the Power score. Build a B-Copter in the west airport to trick Nell into not building an Anti-Air in her east base, then attack with it from the east, where it will face only 1 opposing B-Copter, instead of being OHKOed by an Anti-Air. Afterwards, use the Anti-Air to block the chokepoint in the centre, shielding your air units from an enemy Fighter, for Technique.
For full Power, you must destroy 2 units in 1 day. You will accomplish this just by forcing your way into the HQ. You won’t lose any units, so there are no problems with Technique.
Day 1:
– Build Infantry in both bases.
Day 2:
– Move both Infantry 2N and start capturing the neutral airports.
– Build an Anti-Air in the east base.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing both Airports.
– Move the Anti-Air 5N 1W.
– Build a Recon in the east base.
Day 4:
– Move the Anti-Air 3N and attack the pipe seam.
– Move both Infantry north and start capturing the neutral cities.
– Move the Recon 6N 1W.
– Build a T-Copter in the west Airport.
Day 5:
– Finish capturing the cities.
– Attack the pipe seam with the Anti-Air.
– Move the T-Copter 5N 1E.
– Build a B-Copter in the west Airport.
Day 6:
– Move the B-Copter 6N.
– Load the eastern Infantry onto the T-Copter. Don’t move the T-Copter.
– Attack the pipe seam with the Anti-Air.
Nell Day 6:
– She should not build an Anti-Air in the east base. Usually, she builds a Mech in the west base.
Day 7:
– Move the Anti-Air 1N and destroy the B-Copter. Save before attempting this if you have weak Anti-Airs or -luck.
– Move the B-Copter 3N 2E and attack the Infantry on the base.
– Move the Recon 4N and destroy the Infantry.
– Move the T-Copter 6N. Drop the Infantry N.
Nell Day 7:
– She should not destroy your B-Copter. Usually, if you took no damage when attacking the Infantry, this will not happen, even if you are Grimm. If she does, build units in your bases on the next 2 days for Technique.
– Also, she should build a Fighter on this day, but as long as she has no units to attack your capturing Infantry (except the B-Copter in the centre, which will be destroyed next turn), you’re safe.
Day 8:
– Move the Infantry north and start capturing the HQ.
– Retreat the damaged B-Copter, T-Copter, and Recon south, behind the pipeline.
– Move the Anti-Air 1N and destroy the B-Copter.
Day 9:
– Finish capturing the HQ.
Additional strategy 2
Score achieved: 300+5 pts, 8 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Anyone who can do 6 damage to an Infantry on a Mountain with an Artillery on a Plains, or has increased T-Copter movement. They are: Flak, Grimm, Grit, Hawke, Jake, Jess, Jugger, Nell, Sensei, Sonja, Von Bolt
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: When the Infantry on the Mountain is dropped to 4HP, it retreats rather than capturing the central base. This allows the pipe seam to be opened, and the way to the HQ be cleared 1 day earlier.
For Sensei, his increased T-Copter movement allows him to move around the Infantry capturing the central base, instead of destroying it.
For full Power, you need to destroy 2 units in one day. These are an Infantry and a B-Copter.
For full technique, you can only lose 1 unit, which is your Mech. It is used as bait to lure an Infantry into your units’ range.
Day 1:
– Build Infantry in both bases.
Day 2:
– Move both Infantry 2N and start capturing the airports.
– Build an Artillery in the east base.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing the Airports.
– Move the Artillery 5N.
– Build an Artillery in the west base.
Day 4:
– Move the northern Artillery 2N.
– Move the other Artillery 4N 1E.
– Move the Infantries on the airports north and start capturing the cities.
– Build a T-Copter in the west airport.
– Build a Mech in the west base.
Day 5:
– Finish capturing the cities.
– Save.
– Attack the Infantry on the mountain with the northern Artillery. You must do a minimum of 6 damage. (Sensei will deal 5 damage only.)
– Load the Mech onto the T-Copter. Move it 5N 1E and drop N.
– Move the other Artillery 3N 1W.
Day 6:
– Destroy the pipe seam with both your Artilleries and your Mech.
– Load the east Infantry onto the T-Copter. Move it 6N (5N for Sensei) and drop N.
– Move the other Infantry 2N 1E.
– Build 2 Anti-Airs.
Day 7:
– Start capturing Nell’s HQ.
– Move the west Anti-Air 5N 1E.
– Move the east Anti-Air 4N 1W.
– Move the Mech 1S.
– Attack the Infantry with your Artillery.
– (Sensei: Move your T-Copter 2S.)
Day 8:
– Destroy an Infantry with your Artillery/Infantry/Anti-Air (Grit: Do not use the Anti-Air).
– Destroy the B-Copter with your Anti-Air (Grit: Use both Anti-Airs).
– Build units for Technique if need be.
– Finish capturing the HQ.
Additional strategy 3
Score achieved: 300+5 pts, 8 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Koal
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: Destroy the central pipe seam with 2 Artillery attacks and 1 Infantry attack. Destroy the Infantry blocking the way with a B-Copter and an Infantry. All the while, build certain units to trick Nell into not building a single B-Copter.
For full Power, you need to destroy 2 units in 1 day. These units are an Infantry and a T-Copter.
For full Technique, you can only lose 1 unit-the Infantry which destroys the enemy Infantry on Day 6.
Day 1:
– Build 2 Infantries.
Day 2:
– Move both Infantries 2N and start capturing the airports.
– Build an Artillery in the east base.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing the airports.
– Move the Artillery 4N 1W.
– Build an APC in the west base.
Day 4:
– Move the northern Artillery 3N.
– Move the east Infantry 3N and start capturing the city.
– Load the other Infantry onto the APC. Move the APC 6N and drop N.
– Build a B-Copter on the west airport.
Day 5:
– Finish capturing the city.
– Attack the pipe seam with your Artillery and Infantry.
– Move the APC 1E.
– Move the B-Copter 5N.
– Build a T-Copter and Infantry in the west base/airport.
Day 6:
– Destroy the pipe seam with the Artillery.
– Move the B-Copter 4N 2E and attack the enemy Infantry capturing the base.
– Move the north Infantry 2N and destroy the Infantry.
– Load the other north Infantry onto the APC. Move the APC 6N and drop N.
– Do not move the T-Copter and Infantry.
Day 7:
– Start capturing Nell’s HQ.
– Move the APC 3N.
– Move the Artillery 1S.
– Save.
– Move the B-Copter 2N 4E and attack the T-Copter. It must survive.
– Do not move the T-Copter and Infantry.
Day 8:
– Destroy the Infantry with your Artillery.
– Destroy the T-Copter with your B-Copter.
– Move the T-Copter and Infantry 1N.
– Build 3 units for Technique.
– Finish capturing Nell’s HQ.
Additional strategy 4
Score achieved: 300+5 pts, 8 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Anyone who has reduced costs without reduced attack. They are Hachi and Sasha.
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: Your funds will be stretched to the breaking point here. A B-Copter will be built on Day 4, leaving you with almost no funds left. Unlike the above two strategies, your Artillery fires at the pipe seam on both days instead of once at the Infantry and once at the seam. The Infantry is cleared by a B-Copter and Mech attack.
For full Power, you need to destroy 2 units in one day. These are an Infantry and a B-Copter.
For full Technique, you can only lose 1 unit, which is your Mech. It is used as bait to lure an Infantry into your units’ range.
Day 1:
– Build a Mech in the west base and an Infantry in the east base.
Day 2:
– Move both Mech and Infantry 2N and start capturing the airports.
– Build an Artillery in the east base.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing the airports.
– Move the Artillery 5N.
– Build an APC in the west base.
Day 4:
– Move the Artillery 2N.
– Move the Infantry 3N and start capturing the city.
– Load the Mech onto the APC. Move the APC 6N and drop E.
– Build a B-Copter in the west airport.
Nell Day 4:
– She will build an Anti-Air and an Infantry.
Day 5:
– Finish capturing the city.
– Attack the pipe seam with your Artillery.
– Move the Mech 2N and attack the pipe seam with it.
– Move the B-Copter 5N.
– Move the APC 1N 1E.
– Build a Tank in the west base.
Nell Day 5:
– She will build an Artillery and a Mech.
Day 6:
– Destroy the pipe seam with your Artillery.
– Save.
– Move the B-Copter 4N 2W and attack the base-capturing Infantry. You must not take any counterattack damage.
– Move the Mech 2N and destroy the Infantry.
– Load the Infantry onto the APC. Move the APC 5N and drop N.
– Move the Tank 6N.
Day 7:
– If your Mech survived, move it 1S.
– Start capturing Nell’s HQ.
– Save.
– Destroy the T-Copter with your B-Copter.
– Destroy the Infantry on the east mountain with your Tank and Artillery.
– Build units for Technique.
Day 8:
– Build units for Technique.
– Finish capturing Nell’s HQ.
Additional strategy 5
Score achieved: 300+5 pts, 8 days
100-pt. time limit: 22 days
Player CO: Colin
Enemy CO(s): Nell
Skills: none
Mode: 2.5x EXP
Overview: Colin has reduced attack, so he is unable to destroy the pipe seam with 2 Artillery attacks and a Mech attack. However, his costs are so drastically reduced that he can build an Artillery on Day 1, starting his attack on the pipe seam earlier. Another difference is that he must place his other Artillery 1S of the pipe seam instead of 2S 1W. This is to allow it to attack the Infantry twice. Placing the Artillery there also lures the B-Copter far from your capturing Infantry.
For full Power, you need to destroy 2 units in one day. These are a Mech and a B-Copter.
For full technique, you can only lose 1 unit, which is an Artillery, sacrificed to a B-Copter.
Day 1:
– Build an Artillery in the east base.
Day 2:
– Move the Artillery 5N.
– Build an Artillery in the west base.
Day 3:
– Move the northern Artillery 2N.
– Move the other Artillery 4N 1E.
– Build an APC in the west base and an Infantry in the east base.
Day 4:
– Attack the pipe seam with the northern Artillery.
– Move the other Artillery 4N.
– Load the Infantry onto the APC. Move the APC 5N 1E.
– Build a Tank in the west base.
Nell Day 4:
– She will build an Artillery and a Mech.
Day 5:
– Attack the Infantry with the northmost Artillery.
– Attack the pipe seam with the other Artillery.
– Move the APC 2N.
– Move the Tank 5N 1E.
– Build a Recon in the west base.
Day 6:
– Destroy the pipe seam with the southern Artillery.
– Destroy the Infantry with your Artillery.
– Move the APC 6N and drop N.
– Move the Recon 7N 1E.
– Move the Tank 1N.
– Build an Anti-Air in the west base.
Day 7:
– Start capturing Nell’s HQ.
– Move the injured Artillery 1S 1W.
– Move the Recon 1N.
– Move the other Artillery 1W.
– Move the Anti-Air 6N.
– Build 2 units for Technique.
Day 8:
– Destroy the Mech with your Artillery and Recon.
– Destroy the B-Copter with your Anti-Air and (if necessary) Tank.
– Build 1/2 units for Technique.
– Finish capturing Nell’s HQ.
Strategy and additional strategies by DxDyDzD. Additional credits on additional strategy 3 to -STL-.