Map Strategy
Maximum Score: 416 pts
150-pt. time limit: 3 days
100-pt. time limit: 6 days
Player CO: Brenner
Enemy CO(s): The Beast
Special Condition(s): None
Overview: Escort a loaded T-copter with two Fighters, two Bombers, and a Duster to The Beast’s HQ while hoping for favorable AI movement on his part. You do not want The Beast to block your path to his HQ with his ground units, which will force a reset.
Day 1:
– Move northern Infantry 1N.
– Move northernmost Duster 2W 2N.
– Move northern Duster 4W 4N.
– Move Anti-Air 1E 4N.
– Move northern Fighter 5E and attack enemy Duster from the west.
– Load Infantry into T-Copter.
– Move northern Bomber 1N 4E and attack enemy Anti-Tank from the west.
– Move southern Bomber 3E 1N and destroy enemy Tank from the west.
– Move Fighter 3N 5E and destroy enemy B-copter from the west.
– Move southern Duster 1E.
– Move T-copter 3S 3E.
Day 2:
– Move T-copter 3S 3E.
– Move southern Duster 3S 3E.
– Move northern Fighter 8S 1W and destroy enemy B-copter from the north.
– Move remaining Fighter 1S 1W and destroy enemy B-copter from the east.
– Move unpromoted Bomber 4E 3S and attack enemy Missiles from the north.
– Move promoted Bomber 2N 4E and attack enemy Anti-Air from the north. It must not take any damage in the counterattack.
The Beast Day 2:
– Your Bomber must have 6 HP left after being attacked by his Missiles.
Day 3:
– Destroy enemy Missiles from the north with unpromoted Bomber.
– Move promoted Bomber 4S 1E and destroy enemy Anti-Tank from the west.
– Move southernmost Duster 1N 6E.
– Move T-copter 5E 1N and drop Infantry north.
– Move northern Fighter 4S 2W and destroy enemy B-copter.
– Move remaining Fighter 1S 1E.
– Move Anti-Air 2E and destroy enemy B-copter from the south.
Day 4:
– Move Anti-Air 1E and destroy enemy B-copter from the south.
– Both Bombers must attack and destroy enemy War Tank from the west and north.
– Move Infantry 2E and begin capturing The Beast’s HQ.
– Move T-copter 6W.
Day 5:
– Finish capturing The Beast’s HQ.