Map Strategy
Maximum Score: 432 pts
150-pt. time limit: 7 days
100-pt. time limit: 14 days
Player CO: Will
Enemy CO(s): The Beast
Special Condition(s): None
Overview: Placement of your pre-deployed units is key to finishing this map with the highest score possible. The enemy War Tank is neutralized by surrounding it with your two Dusters. The power score is provided by a number of units, with the Anti-Air as the main source. Note that you cannot save the easternmost Infantry, but it serves its purpose as a distraction.
On Day 5, the enemy Anti-Air does not like to cooperate in its movement. The guide assumes the best possible situation, but you will have to make do if you cannot attack that unit from the preferred position. Use the save on Day 4 to experiment with your own movement. Note that it is still possible to finish in 7 days even if the worst case scenario happens.
Day 1:
– Move easternmost Infantry 1N 1E and begin capturing enemy factory.
– Move Recon 2N 4W.
– Move easternmost Infantry 2W.
– Move Bike 5E and begin capturing neutral airport.
– Load Mech into T-copter, move T-copter 5E, and drop Mech east.
– Load Infantry into Rig, move Rig 5E, and drop Infantry east.
– Move Missiles 2E 3N.
– Move Tank 6E.
– Move Anti-Air 6E.
– Move Fighter 1S 8E.
– Move northern Duster 2S 6E.
– Move remaining Duster 8E.
– Move B-copter 4E 2S.
Day 2:
– Finish capturing neutral airport.
– Move easternmost Infantry 1W and begin capturing neutral city.
– Begin capturing neutral factory with Mech.
– Begin capturing neutral city with Infantry.
– Move Rig 2E 3N.
– Move Recon 1W 1S.
– Move Tank 2E 1N.
– Move Anti-Air 2E 1N.
– Move Missiles 2E.
– Move B-copter 4E 2S.
– Move northern Duster 4E 4S.
– Move remaining Duster 4E 4S.
– Move T-copter 3N 1E.
– Move Fighter 5S 4E.
Day 3:
– Finish capturing neutral properties.
– Move Bike 2E 3S.
– Move Tank 1N 2E and attack enemy Anti-Air from the north.
– Move Rig 1W.
– Move Anti-Air 2N 1E and destroy enemy Anti-Air from the west.
– Move T-copter 4S 2E.
– Move B-copter 2S 4E.
– Move northern Duster 2S 6E.
– Move remaining Duster 1S 3E.
– Move Fighter 4S 1E.
– Move Missiles 2E.
– Save here.
The Beast Day 3:
– His Fighter must attack one of your Dusters.
Day 4:
– Move Bike 1W and begin capturing neutral city.
– Destroy enemy Fighter with Missiles.
– Move Fighter 4N 2E.
– Move Anti-Air 5E and destroy enemy Infantry.
– Load Mech into Rig, move Rig 5E, and drop Mech south.
– Move wounded Duster 2S of Anti-Air.
– Move remaining Duster 1S of Anti-Air.
– Load western Infantry into T-copter and move T-copter 2S 2E.
– Move remaining Infantry 2E.
– Move Recon 1N 3E.
– Save here.
– Move B-copter 3S 2E and attack enemy Tank from the south.
– Move Tank 2E 2S and destroy enemy Tank from the north.
The Beast Day 4:
– His Recon must attack your B-copter.
– He must build an Anti-Air in his northern factory.
Day 5:
– Move Bike 1E 3N.
– Move Tank 1S 4E and attack enemy Anti-Air from the west.
– Move Anti-Air 3E 1S and destroy Anti-Air from the north.
– Move northern Duster 4E 3S.
– Move remaining Duster 3S 3E.
– Move Fighter 1W 2N.
– Move B-copter 1E 1S and destroy Recon from the south.
– Move Recon 1S 2E.
– Move Rig 2E 2S.
– Move Mech 1N 1W and begin capturing neutral city.
– Move T-copter 1N 5E and drop Infantry east.
– Move Missiles 1E 1S.
The Beast Day 5:
– His Infantry may attack your B-copter. If not, do not attack it the following day.
Day 6:
– Begin capturing The Beast’s HQ.
– Move Recon 2W and destroy enemy Infantry.
– If your B-copter was attacked, move Tank 2S 1W and destroy enemy Infantry.
If not, do not move Tank.
– Move T-copter 1N 1E.
– Move Anti-Air 2S and destroy enemy Mech.
– Move B-copter 3W.
– Move Mech 1N 1W.
– Move Bike 2N 3E and begin capturing neutral city.
– Move Missiles 2E 2S.
– Move Rig 2W.
– Move Fighter 1E 1N.
Day 7:
– Destroy enemy Infantry with Anti-Air.
– Destroy enemy B-copter with Fighter.
– Finish capturing The Beast’s HQ.
Strategy by aznweirdo718. Map image by Tsuruya.