Map Strategy
Maximum Score: 450 pts
150-pt. time limit: 6 days
100-pt. time limit: 12 days
Player CO: Lin
Enemy CO(s): Penny
Special Condition(s): None
Overview: This guide requires a considerable amount of luck, akin to the amount required for Metro Map. Most of it is needed on Day 1. Therefore, do not attempt this guide if you feel you lack the patience for a number of reloads. On the other hand, that perfect score is very tempting.
On Day 3, the movement of your western War Tank depends on the position of the enemy. Keep that in mind.
On Day 4, the enemy movement ends up being random. This shouldn’t matter, as most of the luck-intensive part is over.
A 5-day strategy exists, but it requires even more luck than this strategy. If there is sufficient demand, I will update this guide with that D2D.
Day 1:
– Attack enemy War Tank with Artillery.
– Destroy War Tank with Anti-Tank.
– Move Rig 2N 3W.
– Move Recon 2E 5N.
– Move western Rockets 4S.
– Move western War Tank 2N 2E and destroy enemy Artillery from the west.
– Move western Anti-Air 3N 1E and destroy Bike from the south.
– Save here.
– Move western Md Tank 3W 1S and destroy enemy Recon from the north. If this does not happen, reload.
– If the above happens, save here.
– Move Mech 1S 1E and attack enemy Anti-Tank from the south. It must end 8 – 4 in your favor.
– If the above happens, save here.
– Attack enemy Tank with remaining Rockets. You must deal at least 78% damage on the attack.
– Destroy enemy Tank with remaining Anti-Air from the west.
– If the above happens, save here.
– Destroy enemy Anti-Air from the east with Md Tank. If this does not happen, reload.
– If the above happens, save here.
– Move eastern Tank 2W 2S and attack enemy Tank from the east. It must end 8 – 4 in your favor.
– Move remaining Tank 3N 2W and destroy enemy Tank from the south.
– Move War Tank 2N 1W and destroy enemy Recon from the east.
– Save here.
Penny Day 1:
– Her War Tank will attack your War Tank. It must end 7 – 5.
– Your Anti-Air must survive.
– Your Tank must survive.
Day 2:
– Move Mech 2W and destroy enemy Anti-Tank from the east.
– Move Anti-Air 1E 5S and destroy enemy Mech from the north.
– Attack enemy Tank with eastern Rockets.
– Move healthy eastern Tank 2S and destroy enemy Tank from the north.
– Attack enemy Md Tank with western Rockets.
– Destroy enemy Md Tank with Md Tank from the south.
– Move western War Tank 2W 1S and destroy enemy Infantry from the east.
– Move Artillery 5W.
– Move remaining Md Tank 4E 1S.
– Move Anti-Tank 4E.
– Move Recon 2S 1E.
– Move remaining War Tank 1N.
– Move Rig 5E 1S and supply nearby units.
– Move 1 HP Anti-Air 2N 1W.
– Save here.
Penny Day 2:
– Her War Tank will attack your War Tank. Your War Tank must survive.
Day 3:
– If the above happens, save here.
– Destroy enemy War Tank with Anti-Tank.
– Move eastern Md Tank 5E and destroy enemy Rockets from the south. Reload if this does not happen.
– Attack northern enemy Tank with Artillery.
– Destroy northern enemy Tank with western Rockets.
– Move eastern Tank 4E 2S and destroy enemy Rockets from the west. Reload if this does not happen.
– Move eastern Anti-Air 5E and attack enemy Rockets from the west.
– Move Mech 2E and destroy enemy Rockets from the west.
– Move 1 HP War Tank 1E 1N.
– Move Recon 2E 3N.
– Move eastern Rockets 2S 3E.
– Move Rig 3E and supply nearby units.
– Move remaining Md Tank 1N 1W and attack enemy Tank from the north. This must end 10 – 2 in your favor.
– If enemy Tank is located 1E of Rockets, destroy it with War Tank from the south or east.
– If enemy Tank is located 1S of Rockets, destroy it with War Tank from the east.
– Move Anti-Air in such a way that it cannot reach your Rockets.
Penny Day 3:
– Her Tank must destroy your Anti-Air.
– Her left central Rockets must spawn 1S of your western Rockets.
Day 4:
– Destroy enemy Tank with western War Tank.
– Move eastern Tank 5N 1E and destroy enemy Rockets.
– Move Mech 2W.
– Move 1 HP War Tank 4W.
– Move Anti-Air 6W.
– Move Anti-Tank 3E.
– Attack enemy Tank with Rockets.
– Attack enemy Tank with Md Tank from the west. This must end 10 – 2 in your favor.
– Move Recon 1E.
– Move Rig 2W and supply nearby units.
– Attack northern enemy Rockets with Artillery.
– Destroy northern enemy Rockets with Rockets.
– Destroy southern enemy Rockets with Md Tank from the north.
Day 5:
– Save here.
– Destroy any enemy Tank in range with Rockets.
– Destroy any enemy Tank with Mech.
– Destroy any enemy Tank in range with Anti-Tank.
– Destroy enemy Rockets with War Tank from the east.
– Destroy northern enemy Rockets with western Rockets.
– Destroy southern Rockets with Tank.
– Destroy northern Rockets with eastern Md Tank from the south.
– Destroy middle Rockets with western Md Tank.
– Position your units in such a way that western Md Tank and War Tank can destroy the last of Penny’s units.
Day 6:
– Destroy eastern enemy Rockets with War Tank or Md Tank.
– Destroy western enemy Rockets with Md Tank or Tank.