Maximum Score: 450 pts
150-pt. time limit: 12 days
100-pt. time limit: 25 days
Player CO: Lin
Enemy CO(s): Gage
Special Condition(s): Fog of War
Overview: The previous guide relied on an aerial route. This faster strategy relies on two Bikes, one loaded with Lin, one Recon, and one Anti-Air to storm Gage’s HQ. A B-copter is deployed in order to distract the Duster. The Anti-Air provides the entire power score.
Day 1:
– Build Bike in northern factory.
– Build Bike in southern factory.
Day 2:
– Load Lin into southern Bike and move Lin/Bike 4N 1E.
– Move remaining Bike 3N 2E.
– Build Anti-Air in southern factory.
– Build Recon in northern factory.
Day 3:
– Move Recon 3N 4E.
– Move western Bike 5E.
– Move remaining Bike 3E 2N.
– Move Anti-Air 4N 2E.
– Build B-copter in eastern airport.
Gage Day 3:
– He must move his T-copter within visible range of your units.
Day 4:
– Save here.
– Move B-copter 6N.
– Move Anti-Air 5E 1N and destroy enemy T-copter from the west.
– Move southern Bike 1E 4N.
– Move remaining Bike 2E 3N.
– Move Recon 6N.
Gage Day 4:
– His Duster must attack your Recon from the east.
Day 5:
– Move Recon 3N 4E.
– Move Anti-Air 4N 1E and destroy enemy Infantry from the south.
– Move southern Bike 1E 4N.
– Move remaining Bike 1E 2N.
– Move B-copter 2E 2N.
Gage Day 5:
– His B-copter may attack either your Lin/Bike or your Recon. Follow the guide labeled with your variant.
Lin/Bike Day 6:
– Attack enemy Infantry from the west with Recon.
– Move Lin/Bike 2N 1E and destroy enemy Infantry from the north.
– Move Anti-Air 2N 1E and destroy enemy B-copter from the south.
– Move remaining Bike 2N 1E and begin capturing Gage’s HQ.
– Move B-copter 4S.
Lin/Bike Day 7:
– Destroy any air unit with Anti-Air.
– Finish capturing Gage’s HQ.
Recon Day 6:
– Destroy enemy B-copter with Anti-Air from the east.
– Move Recon 1W 1N.
– Move Lin/Bike 1N.
– Move remaining Bike 2N 1E and begin capturing Gage’s HQ.
– Move B-copter 4S.
Recon Day 7:
– Destroy any air unit with Anti-Air.
– Finish capturing Gage’s HQ.
Strategy by Translucent Air. Map image by DieselPheonix.