Trial Maps Guide
T4: Metro Island
Maximum Score: 450 pts
150-pt. time limit: 10 days
100-pt. time limit: 20 days
Player CO: Will
Enemy CO(s): Isabella
Special Condition(s): None
Overview: Two Tanks, one Will/Tank, and one Anti-Air escort one Infantry to
Isabella’s HQ. Will’s CO power needs to be charged in order to
maneuver the Infantry to the HQ.
The power score is obtained by destroying everything in your path.
Isabella must follow two specific build orders in order for this to
Day 1:
– Build Tank in southeast factory.
– Build Infantry in southwest factory.
Day 2:
– Load Will into Tank and move Will/Tank 4E.
– Move Infantry 2E.
Day 3:
– Move Will/Tank 3E.
– Move Infantry 2E.
– Build Tank in southeast factory.
– Build Anti-Air in southwest factory.
Day 4:
– Destroy enemy Infantry from the west with Will/Tank.
– Move Infantry 1E.
– Move Tank 4E.
– Move Anti-Air 4E 1N.
– Build Tank in southeast factory.
Isabella Day 4:
– Isabella must build an Infantry and Mech.
Day 5:
– Save here.
– Move Anti-Air 3E 1N and destroy enemy Infantry from the west.
– Move eastern Tank 3E 1N and destroy enemy Infantry from the west. Reload if
this does not happen.
– Move remaining Tank 4E.
– Move Infantry 1E 1N.
Isabella Day 5:
– Isabella must build an Infantry and Md. Tank.
Day 6:
– Move Anti-Air 3E 2S and destroy enemy Mech from the west.
– Move Will/Tank 1S 3E and attack enemy Artillery from the south.
– Move eastern Tank 3S 3E.
– Move remaining Tank 4E.
– Move Infantry 2E 1S.
Day 7:
– Save here.
– Move Anti-Air 2E 2N and destroy Infantry from the north. Reload if this does
not happen.
– Move Will/Tank 2E and use CO power.
– Move wounded Tank 2E 1N and join with Will/Tank.
– Move remaining Tank 3E and attack Isabella/Tank from the west.
– Move Infantry 4E 1N and begin capturing Isabella’s HQ.
Day 8:
– Finish capturing Isabella’s HQ.
Strategy by swifty. Map image by DieselPheonix.