Base Game: Advance Wars 2 (U)
Release Date: 14th February 2025
Version 1.0: Download (IPS Format)
Editing Notes: Download
Short Description: A complete War Room mod with rebalanced COs and Navy.

Gameplay Changes
1. Md Tanks and Subs act during the AI’s Indirect phases
2. Snow no longer slows Naval, veh. on Plains, Infantry Mountain cost 4 -> 3, veh. Woods cost increased to the same as in rain (3 tread and 4 tire cost).
3. Missiles +1 range, movement and vision
4. Ships can traverse Shoal, River, Bridge
5. Cruisers take 20 less damage from Bombers (85 -> 65) and B-Copters (55 -> 35)
6. Battleships can attack Air (Fighter – 45, Bomber – 65, Copters – 75)
Shoal defense 1 -> 2
Xenesis (Defense Display, Pointer Hack)
Meow (testing, balancing ideas)
Get it:
1.0 Download Link