Super Famicom Wars Terrain Guide
Research Laboratory
Train Station
Military Headquarters |
Defence: 4 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: Ground |
Supply & Repair: Ground |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
The most important piece of terrain in the game. If this is captured, you lose. Likewise, if you capture your opponent’s HQ, you win. In 3-4P games, a person who’s HQ has been captured will lose and all their properties will become neutral. As a terrain, it possesses excellent defensive cover, the ability to deploy ground troops and supplies 1000G of funding each day. |
Base |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: Ground |
Supply & Repair: Ground |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Another very useful terrain. Needed on most maps, as otherwise you would not be able to deploy very many ground troops. However, you can only deploy ground troops at bases that you own at the start of the game. If you capture an opponent’s base, you will not be able to deploy ground troops from it. Good defence, and vital to any war effort. Protect them at all costs. |
Port |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: Naval |
Supply & Repair: Naval |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: 1 |
Train: – |
Another very useful terrain. Required for naval maps, as otherwise you would not be able to deploy any ships. However, you can only deploy ships at ports that you own at the start of the game. If you capture an opponent’s port, or a neutral one, you will not be able to deploy troops from it. Good defence, and vital to island or naval map. Protect them or be landlocked. |
Airport |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: Air |
Supply & Repair: Air |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Deploys planes and copters for you. However, you can only deploy them at airports that you own at the start of the game. If you capture an opponent’s airport, you will not be able to deploy troops from it. Good defence, and very useful on a lot of maps. Capturing Airports in the middle of a map is also a good idea, as they provide more convenient resupplying points for planes that can only be supplied at an Airport. |
City |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: Ground |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
The most fought over terrain in the game. Capture these to increase your income and further your war effort. They repair ground troops and provide good cover. |
Research Laboratory |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: Ground |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Appearing in some maps, these are important terrains. The first person to capture this terrain gets the infantry that captured it turned into a Prototype Tank. They provide all the benefits of a city too. An important terrain to go after. |
Train Station |
Defence: 3 Stars |
Income: 1000G |
Deploys: Train |
Supply & Repair: Train |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: 1 |
The only place to deploy Artillery Trains. As with all deployment properties, you can only deploy from Train Stations that you own at the start of the game. The train station also is the only place where troops loaded onto a train can be loaded and dropped. Finally, in maps with train stations, you will start with a 30,000-40,000 bonus to your first day’s income, allowing you to build an Artillery Train on the first day. Essential to combat in any map with lots of railroad. |
Railroad |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 2 |
Tyres: 4 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: 1 |
This is the only terrain that an Artillery Train can cross. While soldiers are not hindered by it, units with tyres and treads will be slowed greatly by this. Ideally, they should take an alternate route, or have the Artillery Train transport them to a Station. |
Stronghold |
Defence: 5 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Strongholds possess the best defence of any terrain in the game. Any unit on it will take half damage from all attacks. They are usually located on maps in important areas. They cannot be captured, and are just for defence. Controlling strongholds is often important in areas where they are located. |
Road |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Easy to traverse, but offers no cover. Helicopters can be supplied and loaded with troops when sitting on this terrain. Avoid attacking from this terrain if it can be avoided, as the lack of defence means that you will take nasty counterattacks. |
Bridge |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 1 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
It is exactly the same as a road, except that it is a path over water. Whee. |
Plain |
Defence: 1 Star |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 2 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Easy to traverse with most troops. Offers minimal cover, but slows down tyre units quite a bit. The most common terrain in most maps. |
Forest |
Defence: 2 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 1 |
Treads: 2 |
Tyres: – |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Difficult to traverse with treaded troops and completely impassible by tyres. However, forests do offer decent defence to all troops. Unlike in the newer Wars games, forests do not hide your troops. |
Mountain |
Defence: 4 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 2 |
Treads: – |
Tyres: – |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
Impassable to all apart from Air and Infantry units. Infantry units that hop onto a mountain tile will get +3 to their vision, allowing a much larger sight range. These terrains are excellent for Bazooka Infantries to attack from as they provide excellent defence. |
Sea |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: – |
Treads: – |
Tyres: – |
Air: 1 |
Ship: 1 |
Train: – |
The most common terrain in naval maps. It is only traversable by ships and air units. |
Shoal |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 2 |
Treads: 1 |
Tyres: 4 |
Air: 1 |
Ship: 1 |
Train: – |
The border of land and sea. This is the only terrain apart from Ports where ground troops can be loaded into landers. It provides no cover, but is easily traversed by treaded and naval units. Other units find it quite difficult to cross easily. |
River |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: 2 |
Treads: – |
Tyres: – |
Air: 1 |
Ship: 1 |
Train: – |
Difficult to cross, and as such only infantry can. They often border parts of the terrain, but leaving infantry in them is a bad idea as they are quite vulnerable to attack there. Strangely enough, Ships can also travel down rivers for some inland warfare. |
Lake |
Defence: 0 Stars |
Income: – |
Deploys: – |
Supply & Repair: – |
Movement Costs |
Foot: – |
Treads: – |
Tyres: – |
Air: 1 |
Ship: – |
Train: – |
A deep lake. It can only be crossed by air units. |